Saturday, May 7, 2011

The worst part about being very pregnant...

So here I am 6 months pregnant and in the last lap, as it were.  Over the last few weeks I have discovered the absolute worst part about being pregnant.

Is it the leg cramps?
Nah.  I have Restless Leg Syndrome and have been dealing with that for 10 to 15 years.

Is it the midnight bathroom runs?
Not really.  To date I've never had to go more than once in a night and sometimes I even make it all night! O.O

Is it the inability to enjoy a glass of wine or beer or the occasional margarita?
Nope.  I can deal.

Is it the feeling of carrying a large watermelon around all the time?
Not at all!!  Looking down at my growing belly reminds me of the precious life I am nurturing and makes everything worth it.

How about the inability to carry anything over 10 lbs.?
Haha!!  That's a good one....

No, the worst thing about pregnancy is with the growing uterus making room for the ever-growing little girl, there is less room for my already small stomach.  Even before, my little tummy protested full capacity long before I was finished with the yummy food on my plate.  Now, I will eat the smallest of meals and within 20 or 30 minutes I feel like I've eaten the biggest Thanksgiving dinner ever and all I need to do it poke my stretched belly with a needle to pop it and relieve the agony.  So here I am with all this delicious goodness in front of me and I know that if I eat only a quarter of it, I will be in misery for the rest of the night.  So logic would dictate that I eat less than a quarter and pack up the rest in a nice little container to munch on the rest of the day.  Apparently pregnancy doesn't breed logic...


  1. Is it right to assume that you *should* also be eating more than normal throughout the day? :P

  2. You are correct, sir. Which is why I almost always have some veggies, fruit, or a cheese snack on hand. However, the phenomenon to which I am referring occurs mainly at and immediately following meals...
