Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What a Sea Monkey Looks Like

So I was sitting on our couch one day & I observed to Myself, "Myself, we have a lot of friends & family that live in places other than Bryan/College Station.  In fact, those precious friends & family are scattered, quite literally, all over the globe.  How are we going to keep them posted on what's happening with our little Sea Monkey?"
And here's what Myself answered (she is very smart, by the way), "A blog!"  And so, here is the aforementioned blog.

You might be wondering, what does a Sea Monkey look like?  A very good question!  Let me clarify here that we are not talking about an animal Sea Monkey.  They look like this:

This is not at all what we are referring to.  That doesn't even look like me!!  Or Andrew, for that matter (though some might be inclined to debate that fact...)

The term "Sea Monkey" was hijacked from that hilariously inappropriate movie, Juno.  Mostly terrible acting, too much language to allow me to recommend it, but HILARIOUS one liners, mainly by the title character, Juno, who is a pregnant teenager.

This is what a human Sea Monkey looks like:

Isn't it cute?!

So our little Sea Monkey & I have had our first picture made.  Yes, I got one done too.  And no, you can't see it.  I don't have it.  So there.  Besides, Sea Monkey's picture is much, much cuter than mine.

We also had our first prenatal appointment today.  You know, the one where they poke, prod, & peer into every part of you?  Yeah, that one.  Everything checks out, is normal, & all are celebrating.  Whoopie!

Next appointment: in 1 month.  At which point I will be nearly 17 weeks.


  1. Yay! Well I am in the Bryan/College Station area and I hope I can keep up with y'all more than just the blog, but I'll definitely be following along here. :D

  2. Whoa! Most excellent blog. (Who taught you how to write, anyway?)

  3. Yay! A baby blog!
    I'm so pumped for you guys :-)

  4. Wow! We had to wait until her B'day for a first picture of your mom/CC.

    Love you, Pop
